Time tracking packages help companies of any size to comply with the obliga-tion to record working hours as stipulated by the German Federal Labour Court's landmark ruling
The proALPHA Group and its group company tisoware address the upcoming obli-gation for all companies to transparently track working hours. With "Next Level Cloud" and "My Business Cloud" [1] the award-winning provider of time and atten-dance software offers companies of any size flexible and scalable systems that can be used with any browser and in an app, without needing local hardware or software. It also allows you to map flexible time models and track working hours anywhere in the age of new work.
The German Federal Labor Court (BAG) ruled on September 13, 2022 [2] that employers shall be obliged to introduce a system that tracks the working hours of the employees according to Sect. 3, Para. 2, Item 1 of the German Labor Code ("ArbSchG"). The federal government of Germany now has the obligation to turn this ruling into applicable law. Already today, companies of any size should pave their way to this new age of time tra-cking, including hybrid work models.
What is important right now is explained by Markus Steinberger, CEO of tisoware: "Common on-premises software providers won't just pull a new time and attendance sys-tem out of a hat." He also admonishes companies not to use regular Excel spreadsheets or even hand-written notes. "At this point it's still possible that such isolated, unstructured solutions will be admissible. While they involve superfluous manual work especially with regards to their evaluation, they also raise security concerns and the risk of data leakage."
The new tisoware portfolio at a glance
tisoware, a company of the proALPHA Group, offers companies of any size flexible and scalable time tracking packages as a cloud and SaaS solution for HR and security applications.
"Next Level Cloud" [3] addresses smaller companies with up to 100 employees. It does not need local hardware or software, as the quick-start package allows you to run it in any browser. People can post their working hours in a web browser or in an app, and can view their data any time in the employee portal. Depending on the version used, additional modules like HR workflows, master data interface or the electronic certificate of incapa-city to work (eAU) are available.
The SME solution is available in three different cloud service packages:
- Next Level Cloud entry allows you to automate repetitive workflows like applications for leave;
- Next Level Cloud extended additionally provides a payroll interface;
- Next Level Cloud advanced is the premium version that includes a team planner and dashboard.
The more complex and specific demands mid-sized and bigger companies place on time tracking and security are met by "My Business Cloud" [4], which is available in two different packages:
- My Business Cloud SaaS offers web-based time tracking via PC, smartphone, tablet or professional cloud-ready terminals. Further HR modules available;
- My Business Cloud Hosting can be used to connect cloud-ready posting hardware as well as the terminals of dormakaba, PCS and datafox via VPN as usual. Further HR and security modules can be conveniently added as required.
"In addition to pragmatic considerations regarding the acquisition of a time-tracking so-lution, the regulations of the European Court of Justice regarding traceability and protec-tion against forgery must also be taken into account in the future," Steinberger says. "Security standards must be met, data backups must be created on a regular basis, updates must be installed, and availability must be ensured with reserve capacities and uninterruptible power supply, so-called UPS. With the new tisoware cloud packages, we take care of these requirements for companies."
Further information including a cost statement on the cloud-based time tracking packages by tisoware can be found here: https://www.tisoware.com/loesungen/cloud-solutions.
[1] https://www.tisoware.com/news/zauberhaft-schnell-starten-tisoware-in-der-cloud
[2] https://www.bundesarbeitsgericht.de/presse/einfuehrung-elektronischer-zeiterfassung-initiativrecht-des-betriebsrats/
[3] https://www.tisoware.com/loesungen/cloud-solutions#next-level-cloud
[4] https://www.tisoware.com/loesungen/cloud-solutions#my-business-cloud