Marine Gurzadyan to be New Corporate Development & Strategy Manager
Weilerbach, August 2, 2021 – Effective as of August 1, 2021, Marine Gurzadyan is the newest member of the management team of the proALPHA Group. She is the head of the new Corporate Development & Strategy division established a year ago. In this role, she is responsible for the corporate strategy, product management, the anticipation of relevant software solutions for customers as well as mergers & acquisitions. Together with Eric Verniaut (Chief Executive Officer) and the five other members of the management team, she will support the development and the growth of proALPHA in the long term.
In her new role, Marine Gurzadyan is responsible on management level for the identification and selection of companies which are an asset to proALPHA with regard to the product portfolio and the industry competency. Furthermore, she manages the integration of the acquired expertise and ensures the continuous transformation of the company. Marine Gurzadyan has been with proALPHA since July 2020, managing these tasks as division manager up to now.
Marine Gurzadyan has long-time experience in business and transaction consulting. Before joining proALPHA, she spent 8 years working for the auditing company KPMG in Germany and Sweden, where she was involved in projects with proALPHA. Her work at KPMG included management consulting on issues of the corporate, product and M&A strategy, post-merger integration and transformation programs.
"Our course is set for growth. We want to focus on profitable organic growth and give more dynamic to our strategic growth through Best of Breed acquisitions. Both are means to get closer to our vision of an innovation platform, which profitably links Best of Breed and Best of Suite. With Marine Gurzadyan, we have won a dynamic person to drive this vision," says Eric Verniaut, CEO of proALPHA.
"It is our goal to provide our customers with innovative digital solutions which smoothly support their current and future business models. Our success is based on customer proximity, customer satisfaction and the best talents," says Marine Gurzadyan.
Since the start of 2021, proALPHA has made several strategic acquisitions. The year started off with the acquisition of Böhme & Weihs, a provider of innovative software solutions for quality and production management, and curecomp, a specialist for the digitalization and automation of operative and strategic procurement processes. In March 2021, proALPHA invested in the French FEMA provider Skill Software. It was followed shortly after by the acquisition of CP Corporate Planning AG, a leading software provider for corporate management.