ERP Implementation

    In Time and In Budget

    As a software provider, we know Proalpha ERP inside out. This is why in-house specialists take care of implementing the system. Our consultants have in-depth knowledge of the software and follow a standardized implementation method that has been tailored to small and mid-sized enterprises. Numerous templates that are based on best practices from more than 1,800 implementation projects support them in their work.

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    Do you want to learn more about the individual consulting services of Proalpha? We will be happy to provide you with detailed information ─ with no obligation. Please feel free to call us to make an appointment.


    The implementation of an ERP system is a highly complex project that has to be carefully planned and controlled. Proalpha has therefore developed its own implementation method proMETHEUS. proMETHEUS is based on a standardized implementation process that features defined phases and project tasks.



    Proalpha consultants draw on the experience gained from more than 1,800 ERP implementation projects. The implementation method proMETHEUS supports them in their work by providing numerous tools and templates. All project team members use the software goLive! to complete project management …
