proALPHA Time and Attendance

    Quick and Easy Scheduling, Time Tracking and Payroll Accounting

    proALPHA Time and Attendance (TNA) provides you with real-time data on working hours. Your employees log their working hours and days off right at their workstations. This keeps payroll accounting and scheduling up-to-date.

    Functionality and more

    Detailed information about proALPHA TNA in this PDF.

    The Highlights of proALPHA Time and Attendance

    • Enter, report and manage time and attendance
    • Seamless integration with plant data collection and other proALPHA ERP modules
    • Easy payroll accounting in compliance with all labor agreements and company agreements
    • Automatic scheduling supports managers
    • Employee self-service portal reduces requests to HR staff
    • Workflows automate and accelerate approvals
    Arbeitszeiten einfach und schnell planen, erfassen und abrechnen - mit proALPHA ERP

    Employee Portal: Working Hours Entered Right At The Workstation

    Your employees log their working hours in a portal right at their workstation or at the next TNA terminal. Any type of working time model can be mapped, be it full-time, flextime, part-time or shift systems. As a result, you automatically comply with legal documentation requirements. Employees can use the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal to check their time accounts and shift schedules.

    Company-Specific Time Accounting

    Employee time accounts can be settled by week, month, quarter, and year. The data regarding breaks, overtime and extra work are defined according to the labor and company agreements that apply to you and are included automatically, even in the event of short-term changes. Vacation close-downs and overtime data for several employees can be entered in proALPHA in a single step.

    Automated Information Exchange Included

    The workflows integrated in proALPHA ensure real-time data flows tailored to your needs. For instance, they notify the superior responsible whenever an employee did not arrive for work, and control the approval process for applications for leave. In a nutshell, workflows make your processes more reliable.

    Mobile Access for Employees

    To maximize productivity, mobile technologies need to adjust to the processes used, and not the other way round. proALPHA offers mobile solutions for production, warehousing, service, and sales.

    proALPHA Time and Attendance allows for easy data entry, accounting and scheduling, fully integrated into the ERP system.

    Seamless Processing of Time Data

    Plant Data Collection (PDC) and TNA are naturally linked to each other. For this reason, both systems are seamlessly integrated in proALPHA, thereby avoiding redundant work. For example, when an employee goes home, their last operation is also clocked out in the PDC system. Planned absence times can be immediately adopted into resource schedules, and actual times into payroll accounting.

    Intuitive Charts, Easy Personnel Scheduling

    Clearly structured analyses help you with reporting and scheduling. Posting journals, absence statistics and time accounts are tailored to your company's needs and can be allocated by departments or cost centers. And since you can define the persons who may view and edit data, full confidentiality is retained at all times.

    Integrated Plant Data Collection

    Real-time status data from production and warehousing ensure accurate planning and allow for precise readjustment at the push of a button.

    proALPHA ERP – All Processes at a Glance