
    Digital Transformation for SMEs

    Industry 4.0 has found its way into production halls. Surveys reveal that SMEs are doing pretty well, which is also reflected in the many successful Industry 4.0 projects implemented by Proalpha. They also prove that the networked factory is not relevant to production only. Other areas like logistics, assembly, development, maintenance and service also benefit from the networked systems and automated processes. Many of these advantages can be gained at little effort.

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    The Highlights of Industry 4.0 with Proalpha 

    • Quick wins in production, logistics, development and maintenance
    • Cooperations for the development and evaluation of practical Industry 4.0 solutions
    • Experience gained from research projects in the area of Industry 4.0 is applied to customer projects
    • Consulting services and workshops take an integrated approach to Industry 4.0 requirements
    • Proalpha gears the development of its ERP software to Industry 4.0 scenarios

    Down to Lot Size 1

    With customers expecting ever more variants of a product, the lot sizes are constantly being reduced. To ensure the cost-effeicient production of such small series and individual orders, engineering and production need to cooperate very closely. Here comes the Proalpha Product Configurator into play, which is interconnected with the ERP system.

    Flexible Production Planning

    A realistic overall plan not only includes all resources from humans to machines, it also needs to be extremely flexible so it can be adjusted to new situations. In the networked factory, these adjustments can be implemented in real time. Modern sensor systems provide the database for this, optionally even at intervals of just a few seconds. Proalpha ERP translates these data into information relevant to your business. This enables you to constantly optimize delivery dates and cycle times in production planning.  

    Predictive Maintenance

    Rigid maintenance models are becoming a thing of the past. With predictive maintenance, action is only taken when it is necessary. This bears a number of advantages. Standstills in production can be avoided just like superfluous maintenance work. This requires intelligent algorithms that analyze the data supplied by the sensor network. Here comes the ERP system into play. It automatically creates maintenance schedules and coordinates appointments and invoicing.

    Together with a number of partners, Proalpha develops and evaluates practical Industry 4.0 solutions that bring measurable benefits.

    It's Worth a Try

    The first successful projects show that many advantages can be gained at little effort. There already is a number of practical scenarios up and running with Proalpha ERP. SMEs work closer together with their customers, existing processes are optimized and maybe even new products are developed. Once you have implemented Industry 4.0, you will discover more and more possibilities.

    Encouraging Innovations with Partners

    ERP is the key to digital transformation and Industry 4.0. Proalpha therefore strives to develop solutions and teams up with innovative research institutions, representatives of the manufacturing industry and software experts in collaboration projects. The experience gained from these projects is applied to Proalpha customer projects, software development and consulting.